“Cannot I speak with the same music to His children?” Wk 7

Yes.  Yes.  And YES!

I can and I will speak, sing, discuss, share, write and live His music to the world for the blessing of those to whom I come in contact.

This includes bringing pots of soup to sick neighbours,  visiting those in hospital, calling the shut ins, singing wherever it can bless.  BE there for the comfort and care of those who are longing for and needy of that.

There are hundreds of ways to bless folks.  A smile, a hug, picking up something that was dropped and handing it to the owner.  Giving a ride, a backrub, a meal. Holding someone who is near their death.  Grieving with people who are grieving. Laughing your head off with someone at a joke, or a true story that is just too funny. Praying with folks.  Reading to them.

It’s just awesome HOW meaningful these small gestures are to folks who are longing for just a touch of care and love.

A little boy was in bed for the night when the storm outside raged, branches blew against the window, lightning flashed and thunder crashed.   He got up and went downstairs where his mother comforted him and as he went back up to bed, she said, “Don’t be afraid son, God is with you.”   He was unable to settle as the storm continued.   Much later, still not sleeping and frightened, he called his mom.  He told her, “I know you said God was with me, but sometimes I need someone with skin on.”

Sometimes people need US.  US.  We who can offer ourselves to bring help and cheer.  Let your light shine.  BE God with skin on to those who need His touch.  They will know you and Him better.

May each of my readers hear His music, and share it everywhere.

ps.  (Below) Georgie had misbehaved and was having a time out.  Lila chose to sit quietly with him through his punishment.  Now that is ‘coming alongside a fellow in support!” lila keeping george company on a time out