“You are a Promise, You are a Possibility….”


Boy isn’t that the truth!

It’s us that needs to put the shoulder to the plough and work hard.  All the courses, and webinars, and audio-visual presentations, books to fill a room do NOT do the trick.

It’s Us.  It’s me that really wants my dream, my goal so powerfully, and with such determination and commitment, and openness to the HOW of it.   I must Figure it Out.  Know what I want and find a way with work and service to others, to make it happen.

I appreciate the MKMMA course very much as it really makes me focus and make the changes necessary to achieve success.

We must turn off the voices from within and without that sabotage our journeys, and replace them with what it is we do want, hope for, see it done, build a plan of action and accomplish that goal.  Taking it from the mind to a physical reality.  That’s our job.  Love this next picture.


So Open your mind and Follow your heart.  Nobody knows your heart except you and God and sometimes only God!  But we CAN seek what it is that we are put here to do.  What is YOUR Purpose in the Grand Scheme of Things?


6 thoughts on ““You are a Promise, You are a Possibility….”

  1. You got it figured out it is the Gal in the glass..


  2. Enjoyed your post and the pictures! We must look in the mirror and work on the person we see to make changes in our lives and through the MKMMA course we help to do so. Be Blessed!


    • masterkeyinterface says:

      Merry Christmas Dille! to you and yours! I’m looking forward to the New Year so much. Master Key program is having an ‘effect’ on me and that’s good. Cement pieces falling off!
      Blessings to you.


  3. This was great, we can all relate!


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